Saturday, January 24, 2009

Josh's Blog

Happy weekend everyone.  I just have a quick entry today in which I am going to encourage all of you to also subscribe to Josh Allen's blog.  The website for his wonderful blog is  Josh is a good friend of mine and I find his writing to be of the highest quality.  It's a fun site and I think you all will like it.  Alright everyone--I must go now to look at wedding invitations.  If you want to comment and make fun of me, I'll take it like a good sport.  

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Senate Changes

I want to thank one of my blog's fans for suggesting a topic for me to write about. Before I get to that let me mention to all of my readers that I am open to suggestions on many different topics. If you have a subject in politics, sports, movies, music, books, theater, etc. that you would like me to offer my thoughts on, go ahead and let me know. Today's topic is Caroline Kennedy. As you may be aware, Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, had entered the competition to replace Hillary Clinton as New York's Senator now that Clinton has been named Secretary of State (the Senate confirmed her by a vote of 94-2 yesterday). The New York Post broke the news last night that Caroline had withdrawn her name from consideration for her replacement. This is exactly the type of story that lends itself to rumors and gossip, so I am not going to comment on why I think Caroline stepped out of the race. Only she and a close circle of advisors know the real reason. Instead, I will make two points: 1) Governor David A. Paterson should choose New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo to replace Clinton in the Senate. He is extremely qualified and would be a solid replacement for Clinton, who was a great Senator for the State of New York; and 2) While it is true that Caroline stumbled on her quest to be Senator by not doing a great job in interviews and supposedly in meetings with officials, nothing should take away from the fact that she is a fine citizen and a role model worthy of admiration. She has devoted her life to improving our country's educational system and has been a successful author. She is a class act and even though she will not become a United States Senator she has already become an intelligent and graceful representative of America's First Family of Politics.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Super Bowl Preview

As I write this we have a new President of the United States--pretty exciting.  I thought I would take a moment to offer a few early thoughts on a subject other than politics.  Of course I'm talking about the upcoming Super Bowl between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals. Going into the postseason nobody seemed to give the Cardinals a chance.  In fact, they were arguably the worst team to have found themselves playing after the regular season ended. However, just one look at what they have accomplished in the postseason thus far proves that they are not to be taken lightly by opponents.  They beat the Falcons, the Panthers (the NFC's #2 seed) and the Eagles.  While it is true that they generally don't play well traveling east, it is important to note that they are playing in a warm weather destination similar to Arizona (and let's not forget that the Cardinals beat the Panthers in Carolina).  With regard to the Steelers, they are playing well and looking strong.  They earned a bye week the first week of the playoffs and then proceeded to beat the Chargers and the Ravens to advance to the Super Bowl.  The Steelers are an impressive team, but I'm just thinking that the Cardinals are going to pull off the upset victory here.  I'm picking the Cardinals to win the Super Bowl by a score of 28-24.  

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Historic Time

Earlier this afternoon, as I watched the NFC Championship Game I also was frequently switching the TV channel to HBO, which broadcasted a concert taking place at the Lincoln Memorial in celebration of Barack Obama's upcoming inauguration .  Many of the images from this broadcast were amazing.  The crowd was enormous and the Washington, D.C. scenery was beautiful, but the image that I will remember most from this event was that of President-elect Obama speaking to the audience with the Lincoln statue in the background.  As our country gets ready to inaugurate its first African-American President one cannot help but feel proud and excited at the progress our country has made.  When Americans and people all around the world watch President-elect Obama become President Obama we will all be witnesses to history.  This is a moment to remember and celebrate.